How long are the dotted lines on the road?
For the most part, these lines are ten feet long. There may be some variation, but normally ten feet is standard. Don't believe me? Stop and measure one, but be careful of oncoming traffic.
What do the blue signs along the road indicate?
Blue signs indicate a service of some type just ahead. (Examples: Hospital, Phone, Rest Area, et cetera.)
What do the abbreviations "am" and "fm" on a radio dial stand for?
The abbreviation "am" stands for "amplitude modulation" and "fm" stands for "frequency modulation." Amplitude has to do with the height of the sound waves whereas frequency deals with how close together or far apart the waves are. Since amplitude varies, in a tunnel the signal can be lost. Frequency has the same height but varies in cycles per second, thus the signal is normally not lost in most tunnels.
How big is a lens on a stoplight?
One foot. The Pacific Science Center in Seattle, Washington has one on display. The physics behind the lens and how light is bent are part of the display. Drop by and see for yourself.
Name one reason manhole covers are round.
Being round, it is impossible for one to fall down the hole where retrieval would be difficult or where someone below could be injured or killed.
Music: Alan Parsons Project - The Time Machine - Part 1