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Antipodal and Anto-Synonomatic Monikers

Names or monikers.  Titles given to humans to identify them from others.  But is that all that you can use names for?  Can names be used in a fun and exciting way?  Absolutely!  On this  page we'll show you how.  The process is simple.  First,  reverse the names themselves and you'll come up with some totally new and sometimes very interesting and often foreign- sounding titles.  Then, take the first two letters of the first name and the first two letters of the last name, combine them and presto!, you have another variation on the same name.

    Let's take a look at some examples of how this can be done.  First, notice the real name at the bottom of the box.  Next, (A) the name reversed and finally, (B) the combination of the first and last names' first two letters combined. The first six boxes show examples of this.

     In the last six boxes we'll have some fun with Anto-Synonamaticism.  What is that?  Well, basically, it's using antonyms and synonyms in place of parts of a name.  We'll give you an example to get started, and then show you six names that have been infected with the Anto-Synonamatic virus. 

     Take, for instance, the name Johnson.  Here, we have the perfect name to manipulate.  First, take John.  Apply something somewhat opposite, an antonym like Mary, and then take the second part of the name and apply another antonym like daughter.  You now have the new name Marydaughter. Or how about Bergum.  Apply the rule and it becomes Warmchew. 

     This process can be applied to just about any name.  We'll get you started here with some examples. 

(Note:  ASN = Anto-Synonamatic Name)

A.  Maharba Nlocnil
B.  Abli

Abraham Lincoln

A.  Trebla Nietsnie

B.  Alei


Albert Einstein

A.  Egroeg Notgnihsaw

B.  Gewa


George Washington

A.  Siuol Ruetsap

B.  Lopa


Louis Pasteur

A.  Sivle Yelserp

B.  Elpr


Elvis Presley

A.  Nhoj Eod

B.  Jodo


John Doe

ASN:  Diminishboy


ASN:  Beckyforecast


ASN:  Humbleless


ASN:  Stringlung


ASN:  Redcloak


ASN:  Taverndirt


Music: Alan Parsons Project - The Time Machine - Part 2

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