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The answers you seek are found here

1. His Son


2. Present


3. 768.  It is not necessary to determine the values of A, B, C and D. Simply multiply 24 x 32. 



a.  Letters of the Alphabet

b.  Days of the week

c.  Arabian Nights

d.  Signs of the Zodiac

e.  Cards in a deck

f.  Planets in the Solar System

g.  Piano keys

h.  Stars on the American flag

i.  Degrees Fahrenheit at which water freezes

j.  Holes on a golf course

k.  Degrees in a right angle

l.  Dollars for passing go in Monopoly

m.  Sides on a stop sign

n.  Blind mice (See how they run)

o.  Quarts in a gallon

p.  Hours in a day

q.  Wheel on a unicycle

r.  Digits in a Zip code

s.  Heintz variety

t.  Players on a football team

u.  Words that a picture is worth

v.  Days in February in a leap year

w.  Squares on a checker/chess board

x.  Days and nights of the Great Flood

y.  Trombones in the big parade

z.  Ways to leave your lover

aa.  Bottles of beer on the wall

bb.  Seconds in a minute

cc.  Horn on a unicorn

dd.  Judges on the Supreme Court

ee.  Dots on a die

ff.  Disciples of Jesus

gg.  Men on a dead man's chest

hh.  Books of the Bible

ii.  Wonders of the ancient world

jj.  Brides for seven brothers



a.  He's beside himself

b.  A backward glance

c.  Life after death

d.  Scrambled egg

e.  Time after time

f.  Quit following me

g.  Three blind mice

h.  The left side of the road

i.  A bad spell of weather

j.  Split second timing


6. x= -6


7. 49; 9 is 3 squared, 16 is 4 squared, 25 is 5 squared, and so on.  Also, 9 + 7 = 16, 16 + 9 = 25, 25 + 11 = 36, and so on.


8. A and D are synonyms


9. 5.  3² + 4² = 5² as stated by the Pythagorean Theorem  


10. Neither side.  Roosters don't lay eggs, hens do.

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